Our first stop was Cactoctin Mountain Orchard in Thurmont, MD. A diverse orchard, vegetable grower and farm stand, we were treated to snacks prepared in their bakery, an explanation of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices by the local Extension agent and a view of their extensive composting operation done in conjunction with local and county officials. Though foggy and rainy, it was easy to see this operation is popular with families. Their most unique crop--kale!
Our next stop was to Hollabaugh Brothers Fruit Farm & Market in Biglerville, PA. This extensive family operation includes wholesale fruit, orchard operations and a retail stand. They partner with a local history provider who has developed an Underground Railroad feature and we entered the Civil War period in the middle of the orchard complete with an actor. Very nice touch and a great example of collaboration. Their farm stand was especially prepared for our group (they are usually closed this time of year) and featured an extensive learning room with beekeeper displays and information on their IPM practices. We walked up to the wholesale building in the cold storage area where we were treated to a terrific lunch ending with peaches from the farm.
We've arrived in Philadelphia and browsed through the Reading Terminal Market. Tomorrow Danielle heads to Shady Brook Farm, Terhune Orchards, and Johnsons Corner Farm. I'm off to Terhune orchards, Shady Brook Farm, DelVal College Market and Rose Bank Winery. We'll rendevouz in the afternoon at the Liberty Bell Park and celebrate our country's root right before dinner in Downtown Philly and the Super Bowl...wonder where we'll end up and who we'll be rooting for? Check back tomorrow for our activities and find out whose side we are on.
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